Titan Radio Live!
This episode has the most of me in it, as I was subbing in for the host last minute, being on camera for the first time, and edited this whole episode myself. I just really loved the band and their sound. It all came together very organically and is still one of my favorite things I've ever worked on.
Hour Of The Tiger
This was for one of my film classes: we were given scenes from random films out of context, without any screen direction or information about the characters. We were free to interpret the scripts however we wanted, and I was particularly happy with how this turned out.
Tech On
Tech On was tied for my favorite show at Titan TV, because it had so much of what I love: snappy YouTube style and technology. I was able to do some overhauling on the back end of the production, polishing assets and streamlining the process so handing the template down to other editors is as easy as possible, especially after I graduated.
The Report
I did a lot of different things on The Report while I was at Titan TV. I started editing on it as a volunteer, I did camera and helped on set, I moved up to technical direction, and for this episode, I got to direct! Technical direction and live direction really forced me to think about editing in a different way, and its benefited me in the long run and I'm so glad I got the chance to do it.